Friday, June 12, 2015

Preschool Classroom Pics

Now that the year is over, I have time to share some of my classroom pictures from my Pre-K 3 classroom. Hopefully some of these ideas you can use to implement in your classroom! Or if you are having to share space, this will help spark your creativity.
First, it is important to note that our school is currently sharing space with the church, so there was not a calendar/board area other than the whiteboard (which is much too high for my little guys to use). Therefore I made this calendar board by taping together multiple poster-sized foam boards and covering it with a plastic table cloth. Clever right? I was too cheap to buy fabric and I new a bed sheet wouldn't hold things as well. Thus, I could easily hot glue and staple the plastic table cloth without worrying about it! 
I know everyone has a different way of doing calendar time, but we always would start with talking about God first. Therefore we would discuss our class verse (1 Cor. 16:13) and then the Bible story for the week. 
Then we would discuss jobs on Monday of every week and YES they ALL had a job! 
Our focus would shift to the season and weather followed by calendar and counting. We would then try and tie it all together that on this day October the 6th the weather is ______ and we can count all the way to ______....

For discipline/classroom management, because it is necessary, we used 'happy sticks'. The children tried to keep all of their happy sticks, happy and in their homes. When a student misbehaved they would first remove the red warning stick and then after another offense they would lose a happy stick which was very sad and had consequences.
Over by the reading nook I needed to add some color! So I took a hula-hoop and dangled colorful glitter tulle from it. Not only did it add some umph, but the kids enjoyed talking about the many different colors.

Another method of classroom management I used was 'Love Nuggets'. Love nuggets (pom poms) were given out at random when students behaved in a way that was loving and kind. Once they recieved 4 love nuggets they got an extra sticker for their reward sheet (that eventually leads to the treasure chest).

I'd LOVE to take credit for all these ideas, but I must admit that as any good teacher does, I stole the classroom management ideas from my mentor teacher. Yes I know, not so shocking!

Please enjoy your summer as you not only rest, but begin planning for next year!


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