Thursday, August 15, 2013

Understanding Grandma

I have always loved and respected my Grandma because of who she was- loving, kind-hearted, and gentle spirited. But I must admit I never really understood how she was always so content when her life always seemed so plain to me. It's taken me some time, but I've finally starting to understand her and her joy.

Grandma was simple yet extraordinary. I knew her as my soft spoken grandmother who enjoyed cooking Sunday lunch, a good word game or checkers, and quietly disputing my grandpa's comments. She was intelligent and enjoyed learning. But, the best thing about her was how she loved her family.

What I never understood was how my Grandma was so content in being a wife and stay at home mom her entire life. She wasn't necessarily a social light, although plenty polite if you had the pleasure to meet her. Grandma never volunteered to lead church Sunday school, but supported my Grandpa in building and serving at the church. As beautiful, intelligent, and talented as she was she never did anything 'big' by the world's standards. BUT Grandma had the most important job in the world. She spent her entire life serving her Lord by serving her family.

I am 26 years old and as a person driven by accomplishments and projects, my understanding of Grandma's seemingly 'ordinary' life has now been redefined. Yes, family has always been important, and I have two precious boys that mean everything to me, but it took me some time of processing and reflecting on Grandma's life to realize that being a mom is one of the greatest accomplishments for a woman.

Perhaps what was written about Grandma was true; that if she had been born at another time or had a better start financially she could have been a Professor, Doctor, or Lawyer (To Kill a Mockingbird was always a favorite of hers). Yet, in my opinion, I don't think Grandma would have enjoyed any of that success and achievement near as much as she did her family. Grandma's family was everything. This was evident by extensive Christmas lists she filled every year, the completely stocked kitchen she kept just incase of guests, and the detailed notes she wrote on her calendars describing the daily activities of those closest to her. Although Grandma used the words "I love you" sparingly, it was understood that she loved each and every one of us. Family was her occupation, family was her ministry, family was her joy, family was her priority, family was her life.

Praise the Lord for Grandma's example of sacrifice for her family and being a true help-mate to her husband. I am thankful that even though she has passed, her legacy is still impacting me and my family today and will continue to do so for generations to come.

Proverbs 31
"Her children arise and call her blessed"

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