Friday, February 19, 2016

Roots and Wings

Disclaimer: I try to stay away from deep thoughts and emotions on this blog. Not because their unimportant or insignificant but because I try to keep things light simple and just show some of my little projects. But I've been thinking for a while and just have to share my thoughts and make one thing clear: I am so grateful that I have roots and wings!

Growing up in a small town I didn't know any different. I assumed everyone everywhere had family, friends and people who cared about them. That everyone had a small town newspaper that covered the ins and outs of the school, churches, and local businesses. That it was normal to know everyone at school. That everyone could play any sport, any activity, and do anything extracurricular. That everyone waved to each other whether they were walking past or driving in the car. I truly believed that everyone was raised in a place where they could succeed. Where they were supported by a community that believed in each other and their ability to go and successfully chase dreams. These are my roots and my people.

Now as an adult, living in a very LARGE city, I've learned quite a few other things. Like, you must seek and find your own community. That plugging into a school or church or organization is the key to finding support. In the whole 'it takes a village to raise a child' scenario, in the city you must find your village and cultivate those friendships and relationships. Up here, no one really knows your family or your background. Therefore they don't know how far you have come and what all you are capable of. BUT what IS found in the city is opportunity. This is where I find and use my wings. 

What is a true blessing is getting to have the best of BOTH worlds. While I realize that some would disagree, I truly feel as though I have been given roots and wings in the best possible way. I know where I am from, where my grandparents and their parents lived, invested, and are buried. I know where to go when I need a hug, a push, and a good kick in the pants. I am confident in who I am, because of the foundation I received growing up in such a special place. 

It is because of how I was raised in a small community that I feel free to fly wherever this life takes me. I can live in Dallas and excel. I can live around a large diverse group of people and know that I am successful and well loved. I do not feel bogged down by the enormity of issues, peoples and problems, because I know what I believe and where I stand. Fortunately, because of the wings, I am free to live and experience life with a different perspective. Where I am now is not my home, I know where home is, where I am now is on a soaring adventure! To learn, live, and experience life in a different place with more opportunities!

While this may resonate with some of you, it should resonate with all Believers in Christ Jesus. 

Home, your roots, are the truths of what God's Word has taught you. This is confidence in absolute truth, a purposed life, and love for others that comes from knowing God's love. Knowing that God in His love and faithfulness, has a perfect plan for you and that He is preparing a place for you in Heaven. So while on earth, you should be comforted by the fact and security that this place is not your home. You know where your roots lie. As a child of the Living God, your roots are with Him.

Your wings, as a Believer, help you to go to the places and adventures that God's great commission calls you to. Whether that means ministering to you own children, coworkers, or on a missionary trip to Asia, this is what you are called to go and do. The great adventure that comes from your ability to fly, or may I say soar, is rooted in the fact that you are secure in who God has called and created you to be. So although you might find yourself in a place where you feel stuck or abandoned, remember, you've got good roots!

How awesome is it that God has given us, as Followers of Christ, roots and wings?! God knows the importance of a good foundation, but also the need for you to GO and share what you know with others. 

May you be secure in you roots and wings!

Many Blessings! 

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