Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentine Blessings

Valentine's Day around our house is nothing to brag about. It's not a day full of romance, however I did receive roses delivered in Wal-Mart wrapping paper (you know, the bag) and that's about as good as it gets. I'm not complaining about that, after all it's still a day with extra chocolate :).

This year Valentine's Day was a little more exciting than normal because I had the great opportunity of baking sugar cookies for the men at my husband's job. Let me clarify that last statement, I sold them to the guys he works with so they could enjoy or share them.

Needless to say, I learned a few things in the process. Like baking and icing over 120 sugar cookies in one day is a task... a LONG task. BUT it was fun and definitely worth it.

I supported Hobby Lobby and WalMart with the decorative bags, but I felt like they added a nice touch. These pictures don't show all the different colored icing, but enough to get the picture.

The BEST part of Valentine's day was spending time with my blessings. One of which insisted on not having a pink heart cookie, so green was a better choice for him.

And the other one celebrated his first Valentine's Day EVER. I already warned you that we are not super festive, but I tried to dress Zachary in red, and in perfect fashion the only red onesie was a baseball onesie (perfectly fine with me and my husband). :)

Oh! I also felt like I should share the sign Caleb was greeted by when he went to school on that day because it was SOOOOO sweet- the full sign read: 


Hope everyone else had a special day!

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